Work environment
Our Diversity:
A third of our employees come from various academic backgrounds in Basic or Applied Science; with graduate degrees in Medicine, Genetics, Physics, Mathematics, Microbiology, Chemistry, Nursing, and Nutrition. Another third of our employees possess degrees or specialized skills in Computer Science or Engineering, with the remaining employees are from Liberal Arts backgrounds, including but not limited to Marketing, Economics, Political Science, History and Communication. We hire talented individuals regardless of nationality and presently employ individuals from a diverse set of nationalities such as Japan, Singapore, Philippines, China, Thailand, Bangladesh, Taiwan, US, Mexico, Norway and France.
Equal Employment:
We are an equal opportunity employer. We have a balanced representation of male and female employees within the organization, across different divisions and levels of seniority. Each employee is evaluated annually on their personal merit.
Our Corporate Culture: “Omoiyari” or “Caring” for others:
Our employees are expected to display “Omoiyari”; that is to be caring and respectful of our clients’ and employees’ individual characteristics such as gender, age, academic background, health conditions, and psychological conditions. As part of our workplace diversity programe, we also hire candidates who might be physically or mentally disadvantaged and work closely with them to help them become gainfully employed integrated members of society. We believe that our employees understand the importance of being healthy and the pains that come with being unwell and we promote these beliefs through our actions. Our affiliate clinic, Genesis Medical Clinic Roppongi, provides free medical care and treatment to our employees as part of our commitment to providing a healthy work environment.